Editing on turkey day

Happy turkey and stuffing to all my compatriots today, and to those of you in countries that haven't set aside this day as a day of gluttony, go about your business. Dean and I are using the holiday to get the newsletter together, so those of you who subscribed, volume 1 of The Squeeter Pig should be in your email inboxes by tomorrow.

My editor got back to me about the most recent draft of Razo's book. She only had one note on a scene near the end, but I want to take the opportunity to do another complete draft. It'll be a fast one, but am I glad I am. I've gone through the first 20 pages and already have found so many things that really would've bugged me if I hadn't changed. But it'll be off to copy editing in about two weeks. Huzzah! And then I'll pull focus back to Novel X and Graphic Novel X and wallowing in more rejections for ostensibly jane.

What am I grateful for? My Dean, my Max, my family all around, my bed, a house with heating, a working sewage system, stories, trees, and you guys. Happy holiday.


Newsletter business

