Christmas Card

Cmas_card_05 Merry Christmas from the Hales! Here's our little digital Christmas card Dean made. Yes, we're all wearing devil horns. By way of explanation, the photo was taken at a family reunion this summer, where my entire family performed a dance/lip sync to the Squirrel Nut Zippers' "Hell" in the family talent show. We were good, darn good, but my cousin Diana and aunt Bonnie stole the show with their ukulele duet. Spotlight stealers. I mean, how can you compete with that? So, yep, that's why we're wearing horns. Here, I'll go a step farther and show you a photo of the event:

Fam_hell  Proof! And you thought I might be making up stories. Hah! And see my little niece Ellie dressed as an angel? I thought that was a nice touch. As I recall, after this photo was taken she threw off all her clothes and spent the rest of the evening running around completely nude. Yeah, it was pretty much that kind of a family reunion. As conservative as my extended family is, somehow someone always ends up naked.


Breathing through my nose again


Merry (cough, cough) Christmas!