Writers @ Work

This summer, I'll be teaching a week-long Young Adult Novel workshop at the annual Writers @ Work Conference in Salt Lake City! (Despite the unfortunate website design, it really is a wonderful conference. I'm the wife of a web developer. I have to notice such things.) Check out the (unfortunate) website for conference info. Besides the morning workshops, there are afternoon panels, readings, and night stuff. For out-of-staters, you cay stay in on-campus housing. Westminster College has a lovely, intimate campus. I believe you need to be at least 19 years old to attend. Here's my workshop description:

Tight, Clean, and Fantastic: Writing the Young Adult Novel

Some of the most exciting and exceptionally written books being published today are for the young adult market. I believe it does no good to write to an audience outside yourself - if your internal reader feels at home in the young adult section, then this is where you belong. In this workshop, we'll get intimate with our first chapters. Does it make you fall in love with the characters? Does it draw you into the world? What sings out and what falls flat? All participants will submit the first chapter of their middle grade or young adult novel, maximum word count 2500 words, read the other participants' first chapters as well as Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer and Ida B by Katherine Hannigan. Along with workshopping chapters, we'll talk shop, examine the corners of writing and publishing, and find some hope in this crazy business.


Graphic Novel X...Revealed!


Miri's award