Max and hair...saved!

princess academy is on it's sixth week (if I've been counting right) on the New York Times best seller list! It appears this week at #10. That's right, I'm clinging on until the end. Have you ever cleaned out a pumpkin by hand? I like to think of myself as a long, sticky bit of pumpkin innard that you have to shake several times before it flings off.

This week, I:

  1. Turned in the latest draft of rapunzel's revenge to my editor. I can't wait for everyone to see this project! It's going to be so fun.
  2. Read through the typeset copy of river secrets, looking for last errors. I found about 10 typos that occurred when transferring the ms to typeset, and about 90 other line changes I just had to make. It's my last chance. Next copy edit round, I'll only verify that the changes were made. No new ones.
  3. Started the second draft of diary of a lady's maid. I've done a lot of research for this project, so I've been organizing my research notes and an outline of changes for this draft.

I was also asked to particpate in Scholstic's author videos. They make a video every year featuring about 6 authors then give them away to 60,000 schools to view before their book fairs. They tell me this means 36 million kids will see me this year, which for a children's author is the equivelant of being asked on Oprah, but the downside is I'd have to go film it in Orlando before April 1. My first thought? That's so cool, but I don't think I can bear to leave Max again and so soon! My second thought? I'd better get my hair done! Scholastic and Bloomsbury were so accomadating. They're flying Max and Dean out with me for the 2 day trip! And they're putting us up in a Disney resort hotel, and we get to take Max to the Magic Kingdom on our free day. How lucky am I? How amazing is that? AND, my hairdresser worked me in for an emergency last minute appointment. Max abandonment and hair tragedies both averted, all is well in the kingdom.


Diary thoughts


Screen brain