
Readers of my  entry Mirror of True Womanhood may be relieved to hear that after some debate and much consideration, a couple of scores have been altered. Dean raised my Order in the Home from a 5 to a 7, and I raised his Discipline from a 4 to a 6. Whew! Now you can rest easy.

Working on draft 3 of diary of a lady's maid. I'm really liking it. I know, this is a bad sign, my husband would say. The calm before the storm. The pride before the fall. The sanity before the madness. I just like the main character and I'm going places I've never gone before, which is so fun for me as a writer. Literally, the landscape is much different from my other novels. Technically, writing first person and in diary format is quite a variation for me. It's interesting, but the switch to first person feels very smooth, quite natural. It's the diary format that's a bigger change.

I met my daily writing goal already, and yet I'm going to go work on it again. I know, I know, it's amazing.


Author vs. publisher


Spackman discovered!