Three projects (or...eight)

Yesterday, I:

  1. Sent diary of a lady's maid to my editor for the first time (hooray! yikes!)
  2. Went through the copy editor's second proofing pass notes on river secrets
  3. Received my editor's comments on the most recent draft of rapunzel's revenge

I'm certainly juggling my share of projects! Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying it. I love having a project waiting for me the moment I'm done with a draft of another. I need to be working on something while I'm waiting for feedback on another. I don't like down days. Not to say that occassionally (or almost always) I wouldn't rather eat Doritos and watch brain-dead television rather than write. It's soo much easier and often sounds tempting. But I'm so obsessive, I don't feel good about myself if I don't do my daily writing. And besides, I feel icky after watching too much television, or any television in the daytime. An hour or less at night is all I can take.

(Not to say that I'd turn down Doritos. Ever. I know they're gross and fatty and processed and full of fake stuff. I can't help myself.)

This schedule won't slow down for some time. After I send off the final draft of rapunzel, I'll start in on Austenland/Ostensibly Jane, then go back to diary, and work back and forth on both of those all summer. This year Dean and I will also start another graphic novel. After that I have another adult book under contract (I have a kind of groovy idea that I'm digging) and two more young adult books (under contract as of this week). I'm kind of goofy about secrecy at first, but I can tell you that one of the YA books is a new Bayern book.

So many projects! But right now all my thoughts and energy are focused on rapunzel's revenge. This is our last big draft! And it must be perfect! But how, but how?

Also, we bought Max a harmonica yesterday. He carries it with him everywhere. It's about the cutest thing ever.


Mild feminist rant


Four important things