Reactions creeping in...

...from some early readers of diary of a lady's maid, and I'm just so thrilled! So far, everyone who read it said something like, "Your best yet" or "My favorite of all your books." Hooray! It's so exciting to hear! I took a big risk with this book storywise and I've been so nervous, but I've also felt so good about it too. I was so panicky with princess academy especially (that book was a serious process), but diary has always felt good to me. Okay, I've had my moments of mania and blues with this one, as I always do. But I've also felt surer in some ways. Of course, it's not over yet. I'll still do many more rewrites before I call it done, but so far, I'm so relieved!

Anyway, it seems cruel to keep talking about a book that none of you will be able to read for over a year, but I just wanted to share my happiness.


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