Star girl

I'm never sure about posting these sorts of things because it feels like tooting my own horn, but it also makes me so happy I want to share. Kirkus (a major review publication) reviewed river secrets and gave it a star! Review publications give starred reviews to the books that particularly stand out in their mind, so it's such an honor. Also, Horn Book reviewed river secrets favorably. They've never reviewed one of my books before, so that was also a big deal around here.

I try not to worry about reviews and that sort of thing. I really try to just stay focused on whatever project(s) I'm working on now and let the world take care of what I've already finished. But you can't help it, just a little. And I was really worried about the reactions to this one, so I'm SO relieved! Anyhoo, I'll paste in the Kirkus review below because it doesn't give away spoilers (I grit my teeth when reviews actually tell the ending...that happened a lot with goose girl). But be warned that there are enna burning spoilers.

«"A character from Goose Girl and Enna Burning takes center stage in this marvelous continuation. Razo becomes part of the Bayern guard that accompanies its ambassador Lady Megina to Tira. The Lady is nearly a hostage, as the mistrust and bitterness of Tirans to Bayern after their war makes for a fragile peace. Razo, 17, quick with a slingshot and with making friends, is surprised to be chosen, but warms to his role as spy. He's glad to be near his friend Enna, who has harnessed her fire-speaking abilities and whose role in the war is hidden from the Tirans. A subversive Tiran movement to rekindle the war catches Bayern's Own in attacks subtle and outright. Through it all, there is Razo's devotion to food and to his friends and his steadfast refusal to recognize his own gifts. Hale makes profound statements about war and peace, friends and strangers, men and women and all the different kinds of battle. Her language glimmers like firelight, like sunshine on water as she propels readers along a river of wonderful writing to the tumultuous and heart-tugging climax. "--Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW, August 15th


Wr- words


Goldilocks comes to call