Wobbling around

I'm in a transitional place in my writing right now. My main project, book of a thousand days, is with my editor right now. My next project should be the next graphic novel, the psuedo-sequel to rapunzel's revenge. I spent a week working on it, but I just wasn't feeling it. Our house is upside-down as Dean and I start moving, packing up stuff, crazy new house/old house errands and chores. Until that settles down, most of our conversation is about house stuff, so it's hard to focus on graphic novel 2.

So because I'm completely obsessive and must always be working on a book (and because I have no time to waste before baby time), I went ahead and started the first draft of the new Bayern book. Whew. First drafts are VERY scary for me. I never feel so vulnerable as when I'm trying to lay down words on a blank screen. But it's also been fun to start revisiting the old characters, the old places. It's like going home. Since finishing river secrets, I've worked on book of a thousand days, austenland, and rapunzel, so I have a lot of moments and characters, words and scenes between me and my last trip to Bayern. It is lovely to return again.

Yesterday I received the copy edited austenland and have begun to read through it, checking all the changes the copy editor made. This part of the process is extremely important to me. It's a chance to just read the book like a reader, without making changes. But it can also be scary, because it's too late to change things and what if I'm disappointed! Fortunately, so far, I've really enjoyed the read. I think it's funny. It remains to be seen if anyone else will.

Besides austenland, currently reading: Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City. Very fun girl spy book.


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Wr- words