On the road again

I've updated my events page. Look out Michigan, here I come! I've just posted the public events, so I may be at your schools or signing stock in your local bookstore as well. But I'll most likley be offline for all of next week. Ouch, my heart hurts just thinking about how much I'm going to miss Max. In a weird way, it's a comfort to me that one of the kids will be coming along, albeit in utero.

Website is updated! We posted hastily, so all the kinks aren't worked out yet, but the new design will be easier for me to upkeep as I keep adding books onto the list. And we finally have the river secrets section up, so some fun stuff for those of you who have read it or to keep those of you busy who are waiting for a library copy.

Currently reading: The Life of Pi (still getting into it)

Currently writing: book of a thousand days. My editor believes this will be the final draft, and that TERRIFIES me. I have a hard time letting go. "But wait...did I do...what if...and if I neglected to...?!" I think I'll do two more drafts. Well, actually, it'll end up being three. Last week I read through the book, making notes. This week I enacted the notes and am making more changes. When I finish this draft, then I'll go do another run through. I'm terribly pleased by this book. Bad sign, I know! But Dashti, the main character, she's become a real pal and I just love telling her story. (it'll be out fall 2007)

On the backburner (for now): the fourth Bayern book (no, I won't be giving any more details than I already have. Remember--I am The Spoiler Freak); sequel to rapunzel's revenge (the art is looking SO amazing for RR! You guys are going to eat this one up); and next adult novel (20,000 completed! And will stay that way for perhaps another year).

Austenland is moving swiftly into production. Copy edit completed, cover design even now being hatched by my brilliant editor and the Bloomsbury folk. They sent me pages of the interior design (title page, font choices, that sort of thing) and it looks so GORGEOUS. Very exciting. This was a small side project I've been fiddling with for seven years and I never thought it would actually see publication, so everything about this book is dessert for me. Just a big ol' bowl of carrot pudding with rum sauce. Or whole grain oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. With milk. Or pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. Or fudgy mint chocolate brownies. With milk. Gotta have the milk.

Ack. I need to go pack. It's so depressing. My maternity wardrobe is seriously lacking.


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