Feelin' fine

I had a couple of rough days, but now I feel great (comparitively, of course; I still feel pregnant, after all) and I'm determined to get past Christmas. We don't have a name picked out. We like to meet the baby first and hope we're struck with inspiration. The other night, Dean and I went over our list of 20 favorite names, hoping to cross a few out. Instead, we added another 10. I feel sort of secretive about them, so I won't post anything until it's official. Everyone in my family calls her something different (often a variation of their OWN names).

I delievered the first draft of jack's book to my editor today. Huzzah! If I were superstitious, I'd say the baby will be born one week from now. Max was born exactly one week after I delivered the final draft of enna. So many deliveries. I saw on the little red site that they're taking guesses on date and weight. I guess Dec. 28 would be my uninspired guess, and I'll say 7 lbs 10 oz. But don't make me guess her name, because I have no idea.


Maggie J, Girl Wonder


Prego proof