New wardrobes

You can see the new cover for the princess academy US paperback on amazon. It's quite a bit different from the hardcover.

Also, I believe this is the official cover now for austenland. Previously, as some of you saw, the estate was up-side-down. Now the up-side-down estate will be on the back of the cover.

A common question I get: "How much say do you have in covers?" Some say, though I don't have any part in designing them. The process usually goes like this:

  1. My editor and the designer brainstorm ideas for a cover. I'm not involved in this.
  2. If they are thinking about a particular artist for the job, they'll usually email me a link to their website to see if I like their stuff.
  3. My editor commissions the artist to do the cover. I have no contact with the artist.
  4. My editor and the designer get the art, tinker with the design, show it to others, including sales reps and the publicity folk to get input. They often revise based on what feedback they get there. Then they show me what they've come up with.
  5. If I hate it, I certainly say so. Although often it isn't what I'd imagined, I almost always like it. I also think that I'm not the best person to design my own covers so I trust in their expertise.

No guilt for pleasure reading!


Shake that groove thing