
I'm flailing. I can't seem to keep my thoughts focused on any book, my efforts to engage in rewriting are pathetic and painfully slow. Is it post-baby squishy brains? I'd panic, but I remember going through the same thing after Max and fearing that I'd never be able to write another book. But then I did (princess academy, river secrets, rapunzel's revenge, book of a thousand days). I think it's not just the baby-having and sleep-losing and crazy hormones, but that awful between-ness that regularly hits. I guess about once a year I finish one project and need to move on to the next, and not having a clear enough concept of what I want to do, I flail. What I should be doing is a rewrite of jack, the rapunzel sequel. We have a pretty solid first draft (actually, it's about fourth draft now), but it just ain't workin', and we're scrapping entire scenes and sections and trying to re-conceptualize the sucker.

Did I mention the flailing?

I'm glad I've been down this road before so I know that if I keep at it, the words will come. They better come, and before May. I've got another Bayern book a'waiting.


Self-publish or die


An entire month of sassitude