
Most states in the US have books awards voted on by school kids. A committee will choose the nominees, and then all year kids in school classes or libraries will read the nominees and then vote for their favorites. It's a big deal to have your book chosen for these lists. It means that the libraries buy more copies of the books and more kids will read them. both goose girl and princess academy have been on several lists but never won. Really, I didn't think either had a good chance. With words like "girl" and "princess" in the title, I figured half the reading audience would be turned off.

Last week, I was the speaker at the Children's Literature Association of Utah annual dinner, where they announce the Beehive Awards for the state of Utah. The room was filled with about 200 teachers, librarians, and booksellers. It was sort of awkward to be there, since princess academy was a nominee and I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable when it didn't win. I was prepared to be inconspicuous and avoid all eye contact. They announced the winners in all the categories except mine. Then the presenter said, "I need all your help with the last one."

Everyone in the room took out a Burger King cardboard crown from beneath their seats and put it on. "The winner is princess academy," the presenter announced, and everyone cheered. It was incredibly sweet. I was rocking Maggie to sleep and trying to hide that I was crying. Why is it so embarrassing to cry in public? Retrospectively I don't think anyone would've thought less of me to see me cry. I hoped to get a photo of everyone in their crowns to post here but haven't been able to yet. It means so much to get an award chosen by kids, to know that thousands read your book and voted for it. I wasn't aware of anything like that when I was younger, but I think it's such cool thing to be involved in.


Smells like spring spirit


Wearin'-the-Normal-Size-Pants Dance