If you're looking for summer reading...

Blackbringer is the first book in a new fantasy series, Faeries of Dreamdark, by Laini Taylor. It's the last book I blurbed before I decided to take a hiatus (perhaps a permanent one) from blurbing, and I'm so glad I got to attach my name to it before it's everyone's new favorite book. That makes me look wise and discerning, see? Aren't I clever? But seriously, run to your local library or bookstore and check out this terrific adventure.

For the little ones, Yellowbelly and Plum is Nathan Hale's new picture book. It's fun and gorgeous to boot. He's doing the rapunzel's revenge art, so I might be just a tad subjective when I assert HE'S THE GREATEST ARTIST WHO EVER LIVED.

Also, a reminder about the wonderful nominations for the Teens' Top Ten. These books published last year were selected by groups of young adult readers across the US. The idea is to read as many as you like then vote on your favorites during Teen Read Week (in November). Only teens can vote, and the winners are announced as the 2007 Teens' Top Ten.

I've been too swamped lately to do much blogging, but here are some recent-ish interviews:

Deseret Morning News

Another Deseret Morning News

Book Divas

Estella's Revenge


Glammin' it up


And now...normal life