Pottering around

Happy Potter Day everyone! I think this should go without saying, but please, please, please do not post any spoilers here. Nothing. Not even something you learn on the first page. Let us make this a spoiler-free zone. And please do not email me about it. Some 15 hours after book 6 came out, I was getting emails saying, "Can you believe that -- died?!" At that point, I hadn't even read book 3.

Some of you have asked me about my own Harry reading habits. I read the first two books a few years ago. I liked them, especially Rowling's witty turns of phrase, but I didn't go on to read the rest. I usually don't read many books by the same author because I have so many books waiting for me and not enough time for them all. I didn't think I'd ever go back to Hogwarts, then after I had Maggie I was ravenous for audio books, since I could read hand's free while I held, rocked, nursed, sat-up-at-night with her. My husband had the series on audio, so I started on book three and loved them. Jim Dale is just so spectactular as a reader. I will be listening to book 7 this week, hopefully getting the story on my own before others blab in my hearing.

My friend Mike sent me this link to an article in the Guardian that asks, Would Jane Austen get published today? Amusing and disheartening.


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