Pie in Provo

I've been having so much fun with these author interviews (oodles more to come) that I've been neglectful of the occasional "book of a thousand days comes out in less than two weeks" squeal. So, if I may...squeal! Thank you. I got my box of author copies. So fun to see them. I love the cover. The colors are luscious. I also have up a book of a thousand days section on my site now.

Usually book releases are full of trepidation as well as excitement for me, because my baby is going out into the world and I'm afraid of the imminent mud slinging that will sully the poor dear. But this book...I just love this book. I feel so happy about this book. I'm not going to let fears blacken this one's birth. Just a week from Saturday is the book release party at The King's English here in Salt Lake. There will be good times had by all--period. No karaoke, but how does a live bluegrass band sound? Oh yeah, it's gonna be good times.

We went down to Provo to have dinner with Nathan Hale (the Rapunzel artist) and family. Mindy was making dinner, so I offered to bring a dessert. Dean suggested we bring a stack of ho-ho's. I'm sure it had nothing to do with his opinion of my cooking ability.
Me: I want to make something.
Dean: I think we should just pick something up.
Me: No, I'd like to cook something.
Dean: You could still be involved in some arrangements, such as stacking the Hostess pies in an attractive pile.

Pie I made something. It was an upside-down lemon meringue pie, so the crust was meringue. I think that meringue, both raw and cooked, is among the coolest substances on earth. I think there should be five states of matter: gas, solid, liquid, plasma, and meringue. I wonder who I should talk to about this. Despite the fact that the pie basically had only four ingredients (cream, sugar, eggs, lemons), it was a bit more intense than usual for my brand of cooking, requiring such intricacies as Zesting and Double Boilers.

How'd it turn out? I'm going to ask Nate to comment here. Nate, no pressure, just tell us what you really thought about the pie. Dean, you too. Don't be shy. Just lay it out.

(By the way, Mindy's dinner was phenomenal, about on par with how incredible Nate's art work is, but more edible. If you ever have a chance to do a book with Nate and then are invited to dinner cooked by his wife, take it.)


Squeetus exclusive: Laini Taylor


Squeetus exclusive: Stephenie Meyer