Links a'plenty

It's the Winter Blast Blog Tour, and a couple of lovely bloggers did interviews with me (brief, as I was just about to leave on book tour): Miss Erin and Bookshelves of Doom.

Over at Deliciously Clean Reads, apparently it's Shannon Hale Week, a thing which I find very sweet but incredibly silly. I did a short interview there, and they're giving away signed books in a drawing. I believe you need to make a comment on the blog to be entered by the end of today. I met the proprietress of the site last night at a signing, and she's a lovely mother of young children.

Dean found one of my favorite old Mad TV sketches on You Tube, if you have five minutes to kill, starring the marvelous Bob Newhart. Don't know why this one seriously made me giggle.

Squeetuser Marcus Aurelius posted his final project from a computer class on You Tube, and I think it's delightful.

Now get back to work, you slackers!


Squeetus exclusive: Tiffany Trent


Writing and mothering, part 2