Emerging from the holiday coma

It was a lovely week here! It snowed on Christmas Eve, and Christmas day we walked to a park and went sledding with Max's new rocket sled (his first)! Lots of family, lots of time just hanging out the four of us, lots and lots of recycling. Man, boxes and cartons and wrapping paper and plastic and just stuff. It's been a good time. Maggie still taking stuttering little steps, Max just loving having his Papa home all week. And I'm trying desperately to keep this house from getting buried alive.

After nearly a week off, I returned to Bayern four yesterday. Oof. Time off kills me. It was a rough writing day, just trying to remember and get back into the flow, feel my way through it again. But I got an idea for a new complication that just makes me giddy with happiness, so I'm eager to dive in and slap that on. I really need rewrites. There's no way I could come up with all the angles and layers I need in a story the first time through. Or the fifth.

And I'm doing it all on my new...MacBook! Yes, I made the leap from PC to Mac, and so far so good. Some things are way cooler, other features I really miss (end key, delete key, shift F7 in Word...). Dean went Mac last year and so I decided to follow his lead the next time I needed a computer...which really should've been a couple of years ago, but I hate to invest the money and held off as long as I could. My old laptop is a dinosaur. When I traveled with it, people at airports actually laughed at me. It probably weighed thirty pounds, the battery life was thirty minutes, I had to shut it off and restart it anytime I left it for more than five minutes, it was sloooow...but hey, I wrote six books on that computer. Still, it's good to meet the future. (Hey, where are all the flying cars? I was promised flying cars!)

Also, here's a bit on me and Libba. Perhaps we should call it the Authors of Books Featuring Female Midsections Tour.


Enna whispering in my ear


Squeetus exclusive: Jessica Day George