The leap before the fall

Yesterday I turned in a first draft (really a fourth draft) of my new book for adults to my editor. It's currently titled The Actor and the Housewife and is weighing in at 106,000 words. And I have no idea what genre to call it. I hope she'll know. Then not three hours later I received a UPS delivery of the fourth Bayern book ms with notes and editor letter. So for four hours I was free! Free!...and now back to work.

The new adult book has been fun. The fourth Bayern book has been hard. Really hard. I'm cringing to get back into it. So I'm going to just dip my toes in first, to feel the temperature, then slowly lower in my legs by reading the manuscript in paper form as quickly as a reader might. Take notes. Get the general feel. Then after all that, after I get a really good idea of what I want to do, I'll start the slicing and dicing. It needs much work. I need to be brave to face it. Bring it on, Scary Green Manuscript Monster! I've faced you before, and I'll be victorious again! HA HA HA!



Squeetus exclusive: Jennifer L. Holm


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