We're #4!

Many of you have seen or glimpsed the awesome cover for rapunzel's revenge (in stores August) but here it is in all its glory!
It's on Amazon now, which always makes a book feel more real. It's always a kick to see the ranking of a book, and among Rapunzel-themed books, we're #4!  Ha-HA! For awhile there, I'm told, Strawberry Shortcake Rapunzel was beating us out, but no more! Take that, Shorty! You think you're so cool with your strawberry-scented hair and coven of friends who taste like desserts? Don't act so cute--you promote CANNIBALISM and it's time the world knew your true nefarious purpose. How are you gonna take over the world now that we bumped you out of number 4, huh? I'd like to know.

Let me just prepare you for three months of build up for the release, because I don't know that I've ever been so excited about a book as I am for this one. I usually feel uncomfortable promoting my own works. But maybe because Dean co-wrote it and Nate illustrated, so it's not all me, I feel no shame at all. That's right, prepare for Shameless Shannon and her army of Flying Monkey Publicists.

Here are a couple of cool bloggers' early reviews:
The Reading Zone
Miss Erin

Also, sorry what I said about Strawberry Shortcake. That was uncalled for. I'm sure she's a very nice little girl who had a difficult childhood and can't help her desire to consume sweet, sweet human flesh.


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