Prepare to party...

I'm back from a week on a houseboat and somewhat befuddled by the constant rocking of my home and the lack of clinging, heavy scents emanating from the bathroom. And did you know I can't just put on my swimsuit, open the door, and jump into eighty-five degree F. water? What's up with that?

Thanks for all the congrats on the Al's Book Club pick! I come back to even more news. Publisher's Weekly gave rapunzel's revenge a starred review (they star the standout titles), and the lovely Robin Brande let me know that book of a thousand days appears on Oprah's Book Club Kid's List. Wow. I'm living a charmed life. I was able to send off the latest draft of forest born (Bayern 4) to my editor last Friday and have high hopes to get it done by fall '09, now that it's finally behaving for me. Good book! Do you want a treat? Do you? You are such a good book, yes you are, yes you are...

Now mark your calendars on August 23 for the book event of the year! (Unless you managed to get tickets to one of the Breaking Dawn concert/book events, then we're too jealous to talk to you anyway, unless you're really nice then we'll still be your friends, especially if you make us brownies, but really our friendship isn't dependent on the brownies, but it'd be a nice gesture anyhow...)

Here's the schkoop:

August 23, 2008 -- The King's English will host a fun-filled afternoon, celebrating our fantastic local authors, organized in honor of the launch of Shannon and Dean Hale's new graphic novel Rapunzel's Revenge, illustrated by Nathan Hale. Saturday, August 23, 2008 1:00 p.m. at the Anderson Foothill Library, 1135 South 2100 East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Authors talk at 1 pm, followed by book signing, live bluegrass band, games and activities, all free and open to the public. Authors include: Shannon & Dean Hale, Nathan Hale, Ann Cannon, James Dashner, Jessica Day George, Mette Ivie Harrison, Kimberly Heuston, and Sara Zarr.


Mining for gold


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