Rounded up

The Rapunzel's Roundup on Saturday was a rootin' tootin' good time!

Authors We had a panel of amazing talent to share in the festivities. I wish we'd had more time to chat. These are such cool people.


Here's the team, talking about the collaboration. I'm not sure why I'm the only one with a microphone. I guess I just like looking like Madonna. Which I so do. And yes, Dean is wearing an astonishingly tiny hat atop his king-sized noggin. He's awesome.


Nate, Dean, my friend Shauna, and I did readers theater from the book, doing the end of part 1 and beginning of part 2. What am I wearing? Only the coolest costume accessory ever. It's hard to see in this pic, but Mindy Hale (Nate's wife) knit for me these amazing braids. No, not braided yarn--knit braids. It was a surprise and I am still in such awe and amazement at her talent. They so rock.


Dean and I sign books. How fun to have my honey at my side.


More signing. This cute girl had lots of buttons that I'm reading.


Margaret from The King's English reading a really good book. Wow, it must be really, really good. See how engrossed she is? Many of the booksellers wore cowboy hats, boots, and hair in braids. It was awesome.


These gorgeous girls flew in with on of their mothers from Arizona just for the day, just to come to this event. Yikes. I can't imagine it was worth the trip, but I am so honored! Fun, smart girls.


This family drove from Canada--some 40 hours! Not just for this event, I think. (I hope!) But we were honored to have them. Look how gorgeous they are! And they were just as nice, too.


After our presentation, The Stormy Mountain Boys played some sassy, salty bluegrass in the amphitheater outside.


That's my dad on the banjo. I don't like to brag, but he's pretty awesome.


Here's Saturday's crew, doctored up old-timey by Nate. Some seriously awesome authors. I'm so lucky to count them as friends.

As Nate said, "I don't think anybody in the picture is wearing a hat that fits." But I'm wearing one seriously kick-butt wig. Thank you, Mindy! And thanks to The King's English and everyone who made the launch memorable. Yee-ha!


How to be a reader: Reader responsibility


So, what are you doing on Saturday?