Two degrees from Kevin Bacon

[EDIT: I just changed the title of this post to what it should have been all along. It's been bugging me for weeks!]

Ah, for 36 hours in a day. I was so pooped yesterday, I actually went to bed at 8:30 and slept nearly 12 hours. Yeesh.

New York was great! I don't have, shall we say, a wide wardrobe to choose from, so my fabulous publicist Deb accompanied me shopping on Thursday, and guess who came along?
It was a Torso Twins reunion! Now, it would appear that Libba Bray and I have the exact same hair color. I'm not saying which if us got it first...It was awesome to see Miss Libba again. And I got to have dinner with Cassandra Clare to boot.

Friday morning I got up early to get ready for the show, then we walked from our hotel to the Rockafeller Center. It was windy. My hair twisted up into a matted mess and stuck firmly to my lip gloss. I was wearing a skirt and flashed all of New York regularly. Deb said, "Don't worry, this city has seen a lot worse."

At the studio, they ushered me into makeup an hair, and everything I'd tried to do was redone. It was fun to be glammed up professionally. We were in the green room and there was Kevin Bacon, being talked at incessantly by someone I imagine he didn't know, so I didn't get a chance to tell him how much I enjoyed his work on Philadelphia Chickens. Kenny Loggins was there too. I just admired from afar.

KidsHere are Dean and I with the book club kids. They were awesome, 6th and 7th graders, and real pros at all this. Charlie in the middle was eager to wear Mindy Hale's fabulous Rapunzel wig. He wore it on the show, though I don't think they ever explained what the wig was, so I wonder if viewers at home were a mite confused.

Al Roker was friendly and great. The studio was small, the kids were all pros, it was easy to lean back and relax. I didn't feel nervous at all. The best part was being there with my honey, who was completely unruffled, as usual. You can view the video on Nathan Hale's blog.

After I went to Bloomsbury's office, where they had a lovely reception, and then my agent took us to lunch (Indian--way yum), and with my professionally done hair and makeup and new clothes and all, I was feeling so New York, so Author, so It's My Special Day. Then we said goodbye and went to hail a cab to the airport...

45 minutes later, see Shannon and Dean, recent Today show stars and celebrated authors, soaking wet in a New York downpour--hair wet, clothes wet, luggage soaked, and no cab willing to go to JFK. Time ticked forward and we gave up, taking the subway. If ever I get too close to taking myself seriously or thinking I'm special, it's inevitable. Life will gently remind me. All for the best.

The event at the Purple Cow in Tooele was great. I may have pictures later. But I want to get back to our previous conversation track, as soon as I get time. Now back to Rin...


How to be a reader: Reviewing the review


(she speaks in an aside)