Pumpkins and poetry

Everyone needs a creative outlet. Holding back or hiding it or not taking time just makes us sad or angry or frustrated. Kids need that in schools. Curse No Child Left Behind for taking so much time away from the creative arts in schools and forcing kids to taken endless tests and forcing teachers to teach to those tests!

Anyway, my friend Laura has two main creative outlets--limericks and pumpkin carving. Here she shakes her stuff on the Rapunzel theme:


Rapunzel Retold
(in Limericks)

There once was a couple who traded
Their daughter for veggies they'd raided.
These were no magic beans,
Just plain salad greens,
But the hag would not be dissuaded.

Locked up 'til her skin had grown pallid,
This gal, aptly named for a salad,
Clung to one single hope
(Though her hair was like rope)
That someone would hear her sweet ballad.

Then a prince arrived at the tower.
"I'll save you my delicate flower."
So he climbed up her braid
But was somewhat dismayed
She'd gone seven years with no shower.


How to be a reader: Good book vs. bad book


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