Steppin' out with my baby

Dean and I got back today from a semi-last minute trip to Arizona. We hopped on a plane, flew to Phoenix, drove to our hotel, changed clothes, drove to a movie theater, and attended a private premiere of a movie that's really been suffering lately for lack of publicity. It's called Twilight.

DSCN0001Here I am in my Newbery dress (only worn once) with Stephenie (Meyer), her significant male, and my significant male dressed in a purple suit. Yes he is. I love him so much.

DSCN0002The fresh-after movie glow. I really loved it. No, not everyone will, and that's okay. But I have to say...Rob did it. He brung it. I asked Dean after, "Could you sense his animal magnetism?" Nope. He couldn't. But he did like the vampire fights.


Clearly still feeling tipsy from the movie, I pose with our rental car. Now you should know, I reserved the cheapest economy car from the cheapest rental place offered on travelocity. But when we got there, they apparently had a spare Mustang. It really was so sweet to drive. We're not car people, but we had to admit--it doesn't handle like the minivan.



And...things continue to devolve. Hey, I was in a fancy dress on afancy car! Dean said I looked like I'd been hit by the car, but I sothink I look like a calandar pinup girl. A chaste calandar. In an oldfolks home, perhaps. Someplace with dim lighting and no television.

Anyhoo,it was a good time. Dean said he felt like he was taking me to prom.And it was weird not to sleep next to a baby monitor. It's alwayswonderful to see Stephenie, who is all grace and goodness, and I thinkthis movie is going to make a lot of people very happy...


The Christmas Book Challenge


How to be a reader: Good book vs. bad book