After the storm

Whew! It certainly feels like a new year to me. Our family went on vacation, leaving Christmas day and just getting back. The house is in such a state, I half suspect we've touched down in Oz. It was good, but, well, those of you who have traveled with a two-year-old will understand. Maggie is either Dr. Jekyl or little Miss Hyde. Trying to make a willful two-year-old do something against her will is like trying to wrestle a giant snake.

I delivered the final draft of forest born on Christmas Eve and now face the new year with no project in the works. This is the first time in...well, since ever. When I was writing goose girl, I had austenland as a side project, and ever since, I've always had a second book in progress, working on one while taking a break from the other. When I sold goose girl, I had half of a first draft of enna burning. When I delivered the final draft of enna burning, I had 70 pages of a draft for princess academy, and so on. The last couple of years have been especially crazy. But now...nothing. Well, a folder full of story ideas, several fairly detailed outlines. And I get to choose. Yummy.

I often feel absolute terror at the prospect of starting a new first draft. But I'm excited now. I feel so free. I can do any of them! Each day I change my mind. I'm such a crow, I'm easily charmed by something shiny. The nice thing is I have two projects I'm especially excited about. Choices! Yay!


Let them eat pictures


Rapunzel in action