The Great Galley Giveaway

They're out there...somewhere...

This past weekend I attended a bookseller convention here in Salt Lake City and my awesome publisher gave away dozens of Advance Reading Copies of the actor and the housewife.

Cover not final, but probably close. It's exciting! And scary too. What will people think? What will they say? Aaah!

I just finished reading the typeset pages and am so pleased with it. It's exactly the book I want it to be. But what will others think? And when will I hear? When will people read and speak up and declare it a travesty/masterpiece/mildly acceptable way to pass an afternoon? Soon. I think. Very soon. I think.

Please note that this is a book for adults. The same brain that wrote princess academy wrote this one, and I am 100% okay with everything in it. I don't think I'd blush if my 12-year-old daughter read it, though I don't know that she could relate to all the situations and might want to discuss some of the stuff. But some people could be offended by the book--very offended. Extremely offended. Book-burning offended (if only! A good old fashioned book burning is great publicity!). Because of the adult book nature and other minor issues, I will only award the book to someone over the age of 18. If you're under 18, go ahead and enter, but if you win, I'll just need to get an email from your parent/guardian giving the okay and I'll send it to them.

How to win? Comment on this post. In precisely four days, I will count all the comments and have Dean randomly choose a number and that number of commenter will get the ARC! (as soon as I get to a post office. I'm really bad at it.) And since we're on the topic, here's something to comment on--have you ever been really offended by a book? What ticks you off the most? In your opinion, how can an author cross a line and turn off your internal reader? Please keep your comments clean, as you always do, you awesome people.


The weiners


Squeetus exclusive: M.T. Anderson