Registration open

Registration for the Project Book Babe event on April 4 in Phoenix will open today at 9 am. A few more details:

  • Many of you have asked if you could donate even if you can't attend. There is a donate button on the site.
  • The auction will be online! And there's going to be some amazing stuff. Some is listed, but much more to come. I've got an ARC of the actor and the housewife, among other things. Stephenie has some uber-cool stuff, including her dress from the Eclipse prom that I so want.
  • You've been kind to praise me for being involved in this, but I want to clarify that I was invited to come and can't claim credit. Several of the other authors hatched the plan and have been working  hard to carry it out. I know J.S. Lewis has done loads.
  • Given the size of the event, this is not a signing event. Everyone who attends will walk away with at least one signed book, but we won't be able to sign books brought in. Only those buying the Platinum tickets will attend a reception after with the authors and get personalized books.
  • I was asked to emcee the event. Which means I've begun to hatch plans...(oh, those poor, poor authors)

Hope to see some of you there!


A little bit of beauty


Dear reader