Great Galley Giveaway, round 2: Rin's Revenge

Guess what? There are still tickets available to the Book Babe Event in Mesa, Arizona on April 4. When the platinum level seats sold out the first hour, it appears many people thought the whole event was sold out. But fear not! There are tickets still available. This is going to be three hours of music, comedy, and art, including an author panel with eleven really cool authors (including very cool yours truly). We have a ton of amazing prizes to raffle (books, art, memorabilia), and Stephenie Meyer is going to auction some jaw-dropping stuff at the event only. All the proceeds go to help our friend and all around book babe, Faith Hochhalter, in her fight with cancer. Everybody who attends the event will walk away with, at the very least, a signed book from someone on the author panel. Some of you will walk away with much more.

There will also be an online auction separate from the event, which will open any day. I've added an item that I will be auctioning: an ARC of forest born. Yes, I now have more than one copy in my hot little hands and I intend to use them well. So in celebration I'm going to give away TWO copies to my blog readers. You heard right! What do you have to do to enter? Just post a comment on this blog post. In four days, again I'll have Dean randomly give me two numbers, and those commenters will win the book, which of course I'll sign to you. No age limit for participants, but if you're a minor, I will need to get your mailing address from your parent/guardian.

To give you something to talk about, I'll reveal for the first time the cover for forest born. (In the US anyway, I haven't seen the UK cover yet.) There will be no Alison Jay cover. I am very sorry about that. I know that many of you collect the books in hardcover and this one won't match. Fingers crossed that you still like this cover for what it is. Ta-da!



Lucky number 20 and 367


A little bit of beauty