A rainy afternoon

No need to be alarmed! I didn't anticipate that my last post would cause concern. I didn't mean it as a declaration that I'm done with the Books of Bayern. Really, every time I write one I think I'm done. But I still have many ideas, characters and lands I'd like to explore. I'm committed to Daisy Danger Brown (the scifi trilogy) for now, but what comes after that is wide open.

Some have asked how much the 1st edition princess academy went for. I think it was about $120. The forest born ARC is up on the auction now and is currently at $305! I'm blown away by that.

I heard yesterday that Ken Rand passed away. He has been part of the bedrock of the Utah science fiction and fantasy culture for a long time. Besides fiction, he wrote "The 10% Solution," a valuable little book about how to tighten and improve a story even after what you thought was the final draft. Great advice. He was a marvelous writer--inventive, funny, and clever. But even more, he was kind. So kind. Thoughtful and considerate and loving. I can't believe I won't see him at events around town anymore. My thoughts go out to his family. From his obituary: "We'll let dad have the final word: 'Lighten Up.'"


Cabbages and kings


Rin's letter