Scattered thoughts

50,000 words, baby. I'm digging Ms. Daisy Danger Brown. She's working for me. I was talking to someone about the book recently and they thought that the scifi label might be misleading. It is scifi in my mind, but it's also a lot of other things, and ultimately it's an adventure story. A kick-butt and take names adventure. So that's what I'm calling it.

My Max has such an awesome five-year-old mind. Every day he comes out with these questions like, "What if all the good people turned bad and bad people turned good?" and "What if our skin was our clothes and we could take it off?"

austenland was nominated in the Best New Fiction category for the Jane Austen's Regency World Awards 2009. You can vote here in all the fun categories.

I'm getting my vegetable garden started tomorrow. One of my planter boxes is being taken over by morning glory, which has been giving me way more stress than it should. I don't want to poison it, but the root system is too vast and deep to pull up. Any suggestions? Green thumbs out there?


The threatening achoo


The author is in her trailer