The housewife is live

Ah-3d I have up the section for the actor and the housewife on my site now, with extras and info and the first ten pages. The book comes out in three weeks!

It got a great review from Publisher's Weekly (whew!) with no "but..." (That is, even nice reviews often have a "but" or exception statement, as in, "Though the characters were sparkling and dialog witty, the ending featuring the acid monster consuming all the main characters was both unexpected and unbalanced.") But since I am, as ever, a spoiler freak, I won't quote the whole thing. Here's the best line:

"Hale keeps the prose crackling with humor and has a sure hand in creating nuanced, believable characters"

It did refer to the book as "chick lit," which, as you know from my last post, I don't find unreasonable but possibly misleading. Jean, one of the ARC winners, sent me a lovely review. Again I (needlessly, probably) edit out the plot point parts:

"Witty and warm-hearted, the latest book from the ever-intriguing author, Shannon Hale, will delight audiences with its humor and loyalty...Between the pages of the book lie the unique twists and turns of humor and poignancy that Ms. Hale utilizes with skill and mastery in crafting a modern fairy tale of love, devotion and friendship."

Thanks Jean! I owe you $10 for that at least. I haven't heard back from the second person to receive an ARC. Maybe she loved it, but...


Three beasties


"It's not what I expected."