She-Hulk loves Austenland

I'll post pictures of the King's English event soon (as I get time to go through the photos...) It was good fun!

Recently my husband (comics geek) was ruminating over which comics characters he thought would be fans of my books. Here's his list:
Kitty Pride
Jay Geric's wife would be a fervent fan, and he's a supporting fan
Stripe and Star Girl

This list might be mostly meaningless to many of you, but for those cognoscenti, I ask you...Dazzler? How should I take that?

[EDIT: Blunder! I misspelled Jay Garrick's name. Though if he's on my blog, he is suseptible to a Bayern spelling. Also, love Connie's suggestion that Jean Grey would be an Enna Burning fan!]


Creative mommies


Fishing without a hook