No jackwads allowed

My agent, Barry Goldblatt, holds a retreat every year for all his clients. I understand this is unique among agents. Some told him apparently that he would regret it. He never has. Instead of jealousy and fighting and cliques, imagine a room full of supportive creative people, sharing ideas on the craft and the business, cheering for each others successes, laughing and teasing and eating bucketloads of candy. That was my weekend. How did I ever get so fortunate as to not only have my dream job, but be surrounded by kind, passionate, giving authors? The theme from the weekend was:

1. Write a really good book
2. Don't be a jackwad

("Jackwad" is my replacement word for another, slightly harsher, but more descriptive word. They have the same number of letters. You can probably guess...)

I'm involved in the Exquisite Corpse Adventure. Read about the details here, since I should be working on my episode now, not blogging about it. But let me just say that, as a book geek, I've had a few minor heart attacks recently upon opening my email and seeing my inbox full of email from such people as Katherine Paterson, Kate DiCamillo, Daniel Handler, Susan Cooper...(book geek HEAVEN)

I put up a small section for forest born on my site. Not much there now, but I do have the first chapter. Just a month away now!


How to be a reader: book evaluation vs. self-evaluation


The coolest cabbie around