Seeking a good home: Books

So, we've kind of got this recession going on, and I don't know anyone who hasn't felt it, but add the book business to the list of those treading water. As this industry is obviously close to my heart, I'd like to make a plea--buy books. Please buy books. I don't mean mine, just any. If you aren't already, consider becoming that person who only gives books as gifts. Birthdays, holidays, whatever.

As December approaches, fill up your shopping list with books. And consider buying those at your local bookstore. Bookstores are going out of business, and we can't have that. For those of you who are hoping to be published writers one day, you especially have an interest in keeping bookstores alive. Without them, debut writers get lost. Without booksellers who hand sell, readers won't discover unknown authors. And without a book industry, known and unknown writers alike get lost.

Buy books. And God bless us, every one.

p.s. If after buying all those books, you have another $88 dollars to spare, 88 Bikes is one of our family's favorite new traditions for the holidays.


Typing as I run out the door...


A little bit of kindness