Pumped up about a pumpkin

I'll be at All Tucked In bookstore in Bountiful, Utah this Thursday at 6 pm.

While in DC, I filmed an interview with the wonderful Reading Rockets. These ladies are fabulous, and it's always so invigorating to meet people so committed to books and kids. I had a great time. This was filmed after a full day at the National Book Festival and walking a few blocks in the rain without an umbrella. So I peeked at the interview and was vainly elated to see that I didn't look too bad! Yes, that was my first concern. Pathetic much? The second concern--if I sound idiot-ish--I will leave to others to decide. I've learned something about myself today: apparently I have the power to declare myself beautiful, but not smart. Hm, will ponder...

Check it:


Another pumpkin awesomeness from Laura, world's greatest pumpkin carver. Wow. And let me segue from a forest born pumpkin into the question I'm being emailed at an astonishing rate:

"Are you going to write any more Books of Bayern?"

Not right now. I'm sorry I'm so vague! (at least I was cute after 10 hours at a book festival and a walk in the rain, right? Better to be cute and vague than just vague, huh? Huh? What?)

No, sorry, I don't really know. These characters continue to live on in my mind. I have ideas about what they're doing now, and ideas for stories, and characters I'd like to give their own book. But these books are so hard to write, and take years, and I have to be knocked upside the head with a story that I just can't resist in order to see it through. So, not right now. But maybe some day.


Punzie's tricks and treats


The Secret (that there is none)