Art from chaos

My two-year-old prefers me stinky and greasy. I know this because she finds ways to punish me anytime I take a shower. She pulls all the books off the shelves, empties clothes hampers, cleans out cupboards. Her favorite area of terror is in my bathroom. As she wreaks havoc, I'm helpless, watching through the glass, desperately trying to rinse the shampoo from my hair. It's a horror movie, without the knife. I shout over the sound of water for her to stop, please stop. But she knows there's nothing I can do. Step out, wet and dripping, and take away whatever she's playing with? Whatever. She just bides her time, knows I'll get back into the shower, and she'll be free once again to make my bathroom her playground.

Here's her latest masterpiece:


I cleaned up all the bandage wrappings off the floor and put away everything she dumped from the cupboards, but I'm keeping up the Band-Aid art. It's kind of pretty.


Totally rad flicks


Punzie's tricks and treats