Leaving the Forest...for now

Answering more emailed questions:

Fb-cover-sm "I felt like Forest Born left the door open for more books. Will there be another Bayern book?"

Not at the moment. I won't make the mistake of ever assuming I'm done with those books for good. But I don't think of them as a series necessarily. They are four books with interrelated characters. If another story seizes me in its clutches, then I'll write it. But forest born was one of the hardest books I've ever written, and I don't feel capable of diving back into that world right now. Besides, I really like how forest born feels there, book-ending goose girl. I'm at peace with the books and very involved in a couple other projects right now. But maybe someday! It makes me happy that people want to go back to Bayern again.

"Can we enter the rapunzel's revenge book trailer contest more than once?"Rapcover-sm

Sure, why not? calamity jack comes out in a few short weeks, and sometime after that we'll wrap up the  contests. I just did a search on youtube, and it looks like the first five videos there are contest entries. (The very first by Goshzilla isn't part of the contest, so don't be scared away by its awesomeness!)

For those who haven''t seen the contest info, check out this blog post.


Exquisitely bizarre


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