Calamity Jack party: a GRAPHIC account!

Here are some (shocking!) photos from our (alarming!) King's English launch party for (earth shattering!) calamity jack. Intrigued...? I thought so.

Dean, Nate, and I talked about making the book. Blah, blah, blah. Why does my husband's shirt have a bloody hand print? Because it's his Intermural Zombie Hunting League team shirt. Obviously.

Nate's awesome presentation on the making of a graphic novel. The cutie kids sat on the floor. Where they could better put their hands in front of the projector. Obviously. Nate made a graphical homage to this moment on his blog.

More talking. Questions answered. Two super secret projects revealed. Does Nate look like he's keeping his distance? Almost as if...he doesn't trust us, for some reason? Weird.

Through Interpretive Movement, Dean and I explain the process of Collaboration.

With a big finish!

Look at these cutie kids! Rapunzel is decked out from head to foot. Awesome! And cowboy little brother was definitely smiling on the inside.

Two Rapunzels show the world how to whip evil! A shout out to Mindy Hale who knit this unbelievable wig for me at the Rapunzel launch. It appeared on the Today Show even, the most famous wig in America! I should have just worn this wig the entire time. My other hair looked awful. Just texted my hair dresser: emergency!

Check it out! Freddie came! I love costumes. I really do.

Thanks to the King's English and Anderson Library, and everyone who came out. We had a wonderful time. I found it interesting that for this book release, our audience was mostly adult women and young families. A really wonderful crowd! But I wondered, where are the teens? Are Saturdays just too busy? It is commonly acknowledged that picture book and middle grade events tend to be better attended than YA events, because teens just don't get out there much on their own. So teenagers, what gets you to a book event? What day/time, what incentives, what gets you to push pause on your busy lives and get to a bookstore?


On second thought, please do have a cow


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