Preparing for Zombie Mode

I met someone the other day who thought I looked familiar, so we tried to figure out where he might know me. In the end, he knew my parents. I was telling my mom about it and she said, "Didn't it occur to you that he might know you from your books?" And you know, it never for a moment crossed my mind.

I do get recognized from time to time--usually when I give my name for something (awkward when it's a new nurse at your gyno appointment and you're in nothing but a hospital gown). I'm always amazed when I'm in a random location, like another state or the airport or on the street, and people recognize my face. How do they know? Just from the author photo on the book jacket? Weird! It happens very rarely, but it does happen, so you'd think that would have occurred to me.

The incident made me realize how removed I feel from my Author persona lately. I told my mom, "I've been distanced from the book world for so long I don't even feel like a writer anymore." Then I was like, lady, what in the heck are you talking about? forest born came out less than a year ago, calamity jack in January, actor and the housewife in paperback last month, you toured in February and April, and you're knee deep in revisions for midnight in austenland. Where exactly is this separation?

I don't know. I don't know why I feel this way and have for months. Let's see, months...what's been going on the last few months? Of course. I'm in Full Gestation Mode. I am nothing but an incubator. My entire existence is my growing belly and all the mysterious, fluidy things going on inside. And my brain is prepping me for the upcoming day when I enter Full Mothering Mode, become a Prize Dairy Cow 24/7 and think no thoughts but "Babies. Eat. Sleep. Babies." And when I stumble into the grocery store seeking binkies and wipes and high calorie treats, if I'm recognized at all, it'll be by other mothers who will think, "That strange woman must have twins."


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