Shannon answers your probing inquiries* *probe not included

Here are a few questions I keep getting via email/comments/in person. If you have others, ask away in the comments and I'll answer as many as I can next post.

"When will Forest Born paperback come out?"

As usual for me, US paperback will come out 2 years after the hardcover release, so fall 2011. forest born is in paperback already in the UK/Australia.

"Will there ever be an Alison Jay painting on a Forest Born hardcover? I want a matching set!"

I have many hopes that one day there will be, but if it happens, it will be a special gift edition, a limited time sort of thing, and not this year at the very least. I hope, but I'm not holding my breath.

"Will you be making any appearances in my state anytime soon?"

No. For the time being, all my appearances will be confined to the couch and/or bed. Preferably while reclining on my left side and eating a medium rare steak. The only possible appearance I might be making would be August 21 at Writing for Charity. Otherwise, I doubt I'll be traveling for the next couple of years.

"When are you due?"

Mid-October, but I'm sure we'll welcome the little hell raisers before then. 

"What was your 'super secret project' - your pregnancy or Midnight in Austenland?"

Neither! Sorry, I still haven't been able to reveal that. I try not to talk about it anymore because I know that must be annoying and I really don't know at this point when (if ever!) I can reveal. Which is hard because it's something I've spent hundreds of hours on over the past year and has been a fascinating journey for me. I'm eager to share! Just as soon as my lawyers and the government of Lichtenstein give me leave. (Just kidding about the lawyers. But not Lichtenstein.) (Okay, just kidding about Lichtenstein too. Really it's Mali.)

"What are you going to name your baby girls?"

No clue.

"Will there be a fifth book of Bayern?"

I'll never say never again when it comes to Bayern, but I am not currently writing one.

"What are you currently writing?"

Midnight in Austenland. Ooh, the title alone gives me a thrill! Can't wait to share! Sometimes Daisy Danger Brown, though the latter won't be finished and published for years, I'd guess. It's definitely gotten the shaft this year. Sorry, Daisy.

Address any other non-burning questions in the comments. Burning questions should go to your doctor. (I stole that from Libba Bray.)


More questions answered!


Rapunzel: no cape, no tights