Candy colored covers

It's fascinating to watch the things inside my belly move. An elbow, a knee, a foot, pressing out, moving slowly. "We are in here, Mother," they seem to chime. "We are coming out soon. Are you ready?"

Dean and I have a theory that the entire horror genre is based on fear of pregnancy and childbirth.

I have perhaps a month left. I hope that's enough time to finish Midnight in Austenland or I'll have to forgo naps in order to write over the next couple of months. I think it's going well. I start to get excited to share it!

I don't blog much about the foreign editions of my books. I think my books are translated into over a dozen languages. Fifteen comes to mind, but it might be more or less. I am sent some of the copies and am often fascinated by the different covers. I wish I had jpegs of all the covers and I'd have a section dedicated on my site. Some are straight up strange, and others are gorgeous. My Korean publisher is awesome. They do such beautiful books with unique covers and interior illustrations. I have a fantasy that a wonderful Korean studio will make book of a thousand days into a film.

A couple of years ago Bloomsbury UK redesigned all my book covers and I think they're really nice. I've wanted to showcase them for some time. Just ran across a jpeg of the covers over at squeaky books, so I borrowed the graphic. What do you think?

Shannon Hale Books


Being great with child(ren)


Sisters of fantasy