Date night, bedrest style

I was just blogging the other day about how cool Korea is then two Korean fans, Kim Bo Kyung and Lee Jee Young, commented last post with a link to a Korean fan site. How cool are they?

One casualty of high risk pregnancy is date night. Dean and I just don't get to spend as much time together. At home, there are always kids to pull focus, and then I need so much more rest than usual. Going out used to be our time, but I haven't been able to sit through a meal in a restaurant or movie in the theater for the last several weeks. But I was determined to squeeze in at least one more date night. Our solution: stay in. We have a wonderful neighborhood babysitter who has been with us for four years and didn't raise an eyebrow when I asked her to watch the kids last night while Dean and I stayed in our bedroom with the door locked.

Yeah, if I wasn't doing a fine impersonation of a sea mammal, that might sound suspicious.

Kayla came over at 5. Dean ran to the grocery store, picked us up a Red Box rental and some take out dinner, and we lay in bed, eating and watching a movie on his computer. We could occasionally hear the kids laughing outside our room, and we knew it was all okay. Heavenly!

Until as I lay there, thinking about how I hadn't felt Baby A (right side of my belly) move much today, I concentrated on counting movements over the next hour. None.

So we got to go out for our date night after the hospital! Where I spent 3 hours in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors. Happily we were eventually released and got home by 11:30, still pregnant. All in all, not a half bad Saturday night.


The Labor Day that wasn't


Bedrest 101