Space exploration on bedrest

I've spent so much time on the couch the past few months, my 3 and 6 yos have learned to be accommodating with their games. They know if they want Mama to play, they have to find a way to work around the prone position. Fortunately kids' imaginations are well honed. Somehow I can still participate in hide-and-go-seek without moving.Puppet shows are a staple. Reading books, storytelling games. My favorite is playing the part of audience, of course. I could watch them dance or put on stories for hours.

Today's adventure was pretty awesome. 3 yo wanted to play Vampires, 6 yo wanted to play Space Explorers, so we played Space Vampires. Vampires have taken over the earth, so a group of intrepid vampire explorers take to space to find a planet with enough creatures to bring back home to feed the populace. (I swear this is their idea. I don't know where they come up with it.) My part was to stay on the couch and provide the voice of the ship's computer, as well as man the ipod in order to provide a sound track. The sound track turned the game from interesting into kick-butt awesome, if I say so myself. Here are some of the selections I provided:

Traveling music (whenever the hunters journey from place to place in search of food)

  • "Journey" Fat Boy Slim
  • "I've Been Everywhere" Johnny Cash
  • "Going Up the Country" Canned Heat
  • "Let's Go Trippin" Dick Dale & the Del-Tones

Fight music

  • "Theme from Mortal Kombat" (by far the best fight music in the mix)
  • "Spybreak" Propellerheads
  • "Rock and Roll" Led Zeppelin
  • "Stop the Rock" Apollo 440
  • "Wonder Woman" the workout mix (without an iota of sarcasm, let me declare this one of the best songs EVER)

Their victory lap was "I Get Knocked Down." The trip back to earth used the main theme from Star Wars, and on arrival, cheered by the grateful vampire population, I played Queen's "Flash Gordan." Ha-ha! Mama the Couch Lump can be useful!


Some days...


Couch lump receives a visitor