Beasties in felt

Blah blah sick of bedrest...blah blah...body hurts everywhere conceivable...blah....can't breathe...blah...

My sister makes baby car seat covers, and she made a complimentary set for my gals. She does all the stitching by hand and designs custom icons for each. They're beautiful. Rather than do cupcakes or flowers or cute animals, she thought monsters just felt right for our family.


Pokadot with reversible stripes.

Detail of Beastie 1. She has pink freckles and fluffy eyelashes.

Detail of Beastie 2. This one is on striped fabric with reversible pokadots. I'm amazed by her skill. I'm so hopeless with thread and fabric and if I designed something from scratch it would be a disaster. I love to see the different ways we all find to express our creativity. It keeps us sane, no? I think everyone needs a creative outlet to stay sane, but perhaps no one needs it as desperately as stay-at-home mothers.

Dean is playing with a program on his computer where he types in sentences and the computer reads it aloud, to entertain the children. I just heard the mechanical computer voice say, "When the sun turns cold and your bodies turn to dust, I will still be here." As I was typing that, it said, "Do you know what I do when you are sleeping? You don't, do you? That's good." I wish there was a time when I was sleeping. Blah blah blah...can't sleep...blah blah...night is an endless my body aches...blah...

Now the computer says, "Gonna et you all up till dere's nuffin left." That reminds me. I haven't eaten in two hours. Time to get back to work feeding the brood.


T minus any day


A peek at the new project