Newborns are like awesome cats

They're so sleepy, curl up on my lap, and doze there, warm, snug. I can stare at them for hours. There's something about that that seems like fairy tale magic - a baby who once you start staring at her sleeping so captivates you that you can't look away for 100 years until all the world you knew has passed away. I can't imagine I'll be a part of the world for some time, after all. I stare and stare, and I'm sure things happen in the world somewhere that are important, but I can't be bothered right now. I have two babies to stare at.

So as AMAZING as the names were that Dean suggested last post, we've decided on different ones:

Dinah Hale, 5 lbs 13 oz

Wren Hale, 5 lbs 12 oz

They are healthy and happy and eating but mostly sleeping. On my lap. And as for me, I'M NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE. It's a new world.




Guest Post by The Husband