Twins FAQ

"Are they twins?"


"Are they fraternal or identical?"

Fraternal. [I hear from moms of boy-and-girl twins that they still get this question.]

"Do twins run in your family?" This is the sneaky way of asking "Were you using infertility treatments?" which I also am often asked.

Nope, they were a total surprise.

"What are their names."

Dinah and Wren.

"Dinah and what?"

Wren. W-R-E-N, like the bird.

"Are those family names?"

No, we just liked them.



"How are they doing?"

Great! They are healthy and perfect.

"How are you doing?"

Great! [which means, anything is easier than the pregnancy]

"How much did they weigh?"

On the upper end of 5 lbs.

"What's the best thing about having twins?"

1. Not being pregnant anymore.

2. Holding two sweet newborns at once. What an amazing feeling.

3. That my babies already have a constant companion and best friend. Seeing them snuggle together, comfort each other, and sometimes, try to nurse on each others heads, shoulders, hands, or noses. (The latter produces angry screams that would make me laugh and pause to observe the hilarity if I weren't such a compassionate mother and of course rushing to ease their discomfort without delay.)

4. Not being pregnant anymore.

"What's the hardest part?"

Well, you know, I was busy before, and have two kids and a career and a husband and a house to keep in psuedo-order and commitments, but now everything I do, I need to do while caring for two newborn babies. Babies that will grow larger. But no worries, we have a plan: cages and leashes.

For the future anyway. For now, my plan remains: hold the babies. Kiss the babies. Coo at the babies. Nap. And think about which book to write next.

Also to keep working from time to time on Super Secret Project that I began last year. Yes, it's still in the works. No, I can't quite reveal it yet.

"Then why bring it up at all?"

Because I'm a terrible tease! Bad mother-of-four. Bad, bad.


Autumn home


So, um, babies...