What's up with Daisy Danger Brown?

Since I talked about this book being my WIP some time ago, naturally people check in with me to see how it's going and when it'll be done. Well...

I spent the majority of 2009 and some time before that writing the first draft of this book/trilogy. I have 150,000 words. While I was writing it, I really liked it. Then I showed the first 2/3 to my editor and my husband. And their responses were tough to take. Granted I sent them a really rough draft. It was basically just spewed story, not even split into chapters. But the way I saw it in my mind was not what was on the page. I realized how much work it was going to take to fix this beast. A lot.

It was draining working so long on the first draft to one story and I decided I needed a hiatus before I could return to it with fresh eyes. As the stoyr of Midnight in Austenland was so appealing, I set aside DDB to work on that book. Sometime I'll return to Daisy and decide if it's one book or three. And I hope I can do justice by it, because I still like the story a whole lot. In theory anyway. It's strange to have written the first draft to a book over a year ago (the third book, that is) and still no one has ever seen it. It's still my secret.


Hone your internal reader, not your internal literary critic


Angel eyes