Chocolates and cash

A newspaper asked some writers for Valentine's Day present giving tips. My response: "When buying for your sweetheart, don’t spend money. A personal love note means so much. But when buying for me, I prefer hand-dipped chocolates and cash."

My cute neighbor Marthe came over with a Valentine's gift for me, giggling as I opened the bag to see:


She took me up on it! May I say, I was right about the handdipped chocolate. Delicious. I am so going to blow that bill on something naughty from a vending machine next time I'm out. Somewhere. Where there is a vending machine. In a few months. (Heh. I don't get out much.)

Happy Valentine's Day, and celebrate by buying one of the very fine winners of the Cybils announced today. I've said it before, but I predict the Cybils before long will be one of the very most prestigious awards in kidlit. Give them a few more years to ferment, make jacket stickers, and watch it explode. Their lists are always solid, and the judging process is excellent.


Ideas for Young Writers


Becoming a writer witch